Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Evolution on Trial has arrived and is ready for shipping

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Bilquees said...

I'm afraid you may be under some misapprehension about the themes, content and arguments that are contained in the book 'Evolution On Trial'. The book has nothing to do with what is referred to as 'creationism' or 'creationist science'. In fact the book is not a defense of religion, theology, or any related topic.

'Evolution On Trial' is an investigation into science, evidence, and the hermeneutics of such issues. The book is a critical exploration of the many questions that arise in relation to various explanatory problems that are entangled in the issue of 'origins-of-life'.

Among other things, the book examines prebiotic chemistry, the formation of nucleic acids and proteins -- both structural as well as enzymatic, theories of protocell construction, cellular biochemistry, protein and lipid chemistry in relation to cell membrane dynamics, and quite a bit more. Darwin had nothing at all to say about any of these issues except by way of an allusion to a 'warm little pond' somewhere in which a happy and serendipitous confluence of events somehow took place ... the specifics of this 'somehow' have always been something of a mystery.

Before doing a critical review of a given work, it is useful to actually have read the work in question. However, 'Evolution On Trial, entails a fair amount of technical material, and, consequently, it requires a fair amount of attention on the part of a reader, and not everyone is prepared to devote the time and energy necessary to do this ... but if a person is prepared to stick with the point-counterpoint of the discussion, one may discover some possibilities that might not otherwise have appeared on one's conceptual radar screen.

Bilquees said...


It's perfectly understandable. There's a lot of shoddy thought in this area. So it's easy to see why someone may think this is more of the same. Welcome to the blog.

Take care,
Peace and blessings,